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Erin Marley, of Rein & Co Newcastle, has established herself as a talented and award-winning hairstylist, recognised for her creative and technical skills in the UK hairdressing industry. In 2021, she won the UK Craft Artist of the Year Award at the Wella Professionals TrendVision Award UK & Ireland Final. At the Fellowship for British Hairdressing Luncheon at the end of last year, Erin was named winner of the prestigious Trevor Sorbie Creative Scholarship.

Tell us, what inspired you to apply for the Trevor Sorbie Creative Scholarship, and how do you believe this opportunity will contribute to your growth as a hairdresser?

"I have always dreamt of being a part of the Fellowship teams or scholarships but my lack of confidence would always hold me back. This year I decided to just go for it, my thought process changed and I thought - what is the worst that could happen? They would say no and I would learn from the experience. But luckily enough for me that did not happen this time.
I know that doing this type of scholarship is going to give me more knowledge and diversity in my career going forward, it will give me experiences that I could have only dreamt of before. While I love working behind the chair, it’s equally important to tap into your artistic side and creativity to showcase your potential in other areas of the industry. This opportunity will inspire me to try new things and approach my work in the salon with renewed confidence.

Working alongside such talented individuals will undoubtedly inspire me to strive for more in my career. The hairdressing industry offers numerous avenues to explore, and this scholarship can open up new possibilities, regardless of the path I choose to take. I find that incredibly exciting!"

Can you share the vision behind your scholarship application/entry? How did you conceptualise and execute your ideas to showcase your skills and creativity?

"To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with the look I created for my entry. I may have tried to do too much by attempting to emulate Trevor and create my own haircut by combining too many other styles. There was too much going on, and even Trevor mentioned during the interview that sometimes less is more. He could see that I had talent based on what I was trying to showcase and how I blended everything together, but he advised me that I don't need to try too hard to create something beautiful. This has been my downfall when doing competition work in the past. 

Going through this process and speaking with Trevor and his team was a great learning experience, and I received valuable advice. That's why I believe everyone should apply for these scholarships; you always learn something and grow from it, even if you don't get through. It builds your confidence each time, even when you fail, so there is always a positive outcome, regardless of the result."

Who or what served as your main source of inspiration when creating your application? How did you incorporate these influences while still maintaining your unique style and perspective?

"A few things really inspired me. The F.A.M.E. Team has always been a big dream of mine. I watch their entries and journeys each year, and I see how much they learn and grow throughout the program. I continue to follow their careers after their time on the team, and I'm always amazed at what they achieve. 

However, many of them seem to know what they're doing before joining the program, with experience in avant-garde looks and session styling, which I've never had the opportunity to train in. I'm full of ideas but wouldn't know how to execute them, even for an interview for something like that. 

I'm always fascinated watching big names like Erol Douglas MBE, Trevor Sorbie MBE, and Angelo Seminara work around the world, creating such beautiful work. I also love watching the looks created at London Fashion Week and what goes on behind the scenes with the Toni and Guy team. When I watch these people, they inspire me, and I want to be part of this type of art somehow. I always imagine how I could be a part of something bigger, but it has never seemed to be a possibility. Entering scholarships like this one can get you one step closer."

Can you describe your experience during the scholarship interview process. What kind of feedback did you receive from the judges, and how did it help you reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement?

"Initially, we had to apply with an entry showcasing any look and explain our inspiration behind it and how we created it. Once we found out we made it to the final, we had a Zoom interview with the judging panel. I was surprised to see Trevor himself there, which made me very nervous! But they were all so welcoming and friendly. They could see and feel the love I have for hairdressing; I think that came through in everything I was telling them – my passion, drive, and desire to learn. 

I explained how living in the north, we don't get experiences like this, and it would be a dream come true for me. I believe they knew I would benefit the most from this experience, and that's why I think no matter what stage you are in your career, you should go for any opportunity. Anyone can be chosen; this is an educational scholarship, after all. You don't necessarily have to be the best at everything to get through, you just have to want it enough."

Take us back to the moment when you were announced as a scholarship winner. How did you feel, and what thoughts ran through your mind as you realised you had achieved this significant milestone in your career?

"I was already on a high from my interview with Trevor and his team because I was a little starstruck, and it went really well. They were all so friendly and complimentary, and everything just flowed naturally. They made me feel so comfortable and welcomed that I was just happy to have experienced something like that. I knew I was up against people who were far more talented and further along in their careers than I was, in my eyes, so I wasn't expecting to get through at all! I was just appreciative of that moment.

The next morning, I got the phone call, and I was in complete shock. I even got a little teary-eyed, I won't lie. The excitement and adrenaline were running through me. I had no clue what we would get up to in the scholarship, but I was excited to push myself and pull myself out of my comfort zone with whatever was thrown my way. I knew this was a big deal, but even more so when I attended the Fellowship Luncheon, where I received the award on stage, and then I got to witness Trevor himself receive his lifetime achievement award. It made me realise how lucky I am to be in this position and be the first to experience this scholarship! The pressure is on, but I am here for it and ready."

Can you share some insights into your first few days on the scholarship? What activities have you participated in, and how have these experiences already begun to shape your perspective on the industry and your role within it?

Our first day was full of inspiration and introductions. We learned what we will be doing this year with the team and what is expected of us. It was lovely to meet everyone I will be working alongside, and I finally got to meet Giuseppe properly. Giuseppe showcased all his amazing collections to us and explained every stage that goes into it, helping us fully understand each step and how everything comes together. He has shown us what is possible if you put in the work, and I am so excited to see what we can create together. As soon as I got home I started working on my mood board of ideas that I want to bring to the table, and I couldn’t wait to get started!

For our second day, we were mentored by the amazingly talented Benjamin Bradley. Benjamin kindly showed us his creations and collections. He taught us how to create a beautiful, colourful marbling technique on head pieces out of hair products! However, he wanted us to put our own spin on things, so he learned about each of our individual creative processes and encouraged us to do the opposite, pushing us out of our comfort zones. This approach led to each person creating something completely unique. It was amazing to learn how others perceive art so differently from ourselves and how changing the way we work can change what we create, allowing us to grow as artists. The day was filled with laughter and a sense of relaxation as we played with colours and painted with total freedom. It was also very interesting to learn that even the best fail and fail again until they find a way to perfect a technique and bring their visions to life. The key takeaway was that persistence is essential until you make it work."


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